Ingredient ! 4 cups milk. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon salep. 1 teaspoon vanilla powder.
Preparation ! Combine salep, sugar and vanilla powder in a bowl. Heat the milk a little and add salep mixture gradually. Make sure that no lumps are left. Stir constantly. It reaches the pudding consistency as it is cooked. Bring the heat to the lowest and cook for 30-40 minutes. Let it cool. Transfer it to a bowl and put in the freezer . Let it sit there for 30 minutes. Take it out and whisk constantly with a fork for 2-3 minutes. Scrape the ice cyristals you see around the top of the container. Put it back into the freezer. Repeat this 4-5 times in every 30 minutes. You will see how it stretches when whisking. If you whisk it letting it stretch, it’s better. Transfer the mixture in an airtight container and freeze for 5 hours.
Elastic turkish ice cream