Ingredient! Sugar – 2 cups. Water – 3 cups. Gelatine – 4 table spoon. Cornflour – two by three cup. Icing sugar – 1 half cups. Cream of tartar – one by four table spoon. Rose water – half table spoon. Food colour – 3 dropes. Icing sugar – three by four cup.
Preparation! Mix water, sugar and gelatine in a large microwave safe dish Microwave this on high for 7 minutes. Stir well, cook this for a further 7 minutes. Then add icing sugar, cornflour and cream of tartar and mix well. Microwave this mixture on high power for another 6 minutes. Then add rose water and food colour and mix well. Pour this mixture into lightly oiled 18 multiple 28 cm tin or any tray. Refrigerate this for 1 hour. After 1 hour cut into small logs using a wet knife. Toss in icing sugar. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator The delicious Turkish delight is ready to be served.
Turkish Delight Easy Microwave Version – Easy Dessert Recipe