2 pounds of carrots carrots or chopped
4 or more cups of water
1 can condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon fresh ginger
Rooms add according to preference optional
Vegan setting
Vegan condensed milk
1 can coconut milk
1/3 cup coconut sugar
Add coconut milk and sugar in a medium saucepan.
Cook on medium heat for approx. 35 or more minutes, stirring frequently with a whisk, you may reduce the heat to avoid burns. Do not step away from the pot. Once thickened, remove and allow to cool before use. Continue with carrots and replace the condensed milk with this.
Mix carrot in a blender with approx. 3-4 cups of water.
Sift the carrot mixture using a cheese bowl, fine cheese or clean kitchen towel. Squeeze very close to extract all the carrot juice. Save the carrot juice. Discard the rest.
Rinse the blender with water to remove any remaining carrots.
Then put the carrot juice in the blender with all other ingredients. Pulse or approx. 30 seconds until all ingredients are combined.
Chill and until ready to drink
Jamaican carrot juice