2 pounds of carrots carrots or minced meat
4 or more cups of water
1 can of condensed milk
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon of fresh ginger
Add rum according to preference optional
Vegan option
Vegan condensed milk
1 can of coconut milk
1/3 cup coconut sugar
Add coconut milk and sugar in a medium-sized pan.
Bake over medium heat for about 35 minutes or longer, stirring often with a whisk, you may need to reduce the heat to prevent burns. Do not get off the pan. If it is thickened, remove and allow to cool before use. Continue with the carrots and replace the condensed milk.
Mix the carrot in a blender with about 3-4 cups of water.
Sieve the carrot mixture with a cheese cloth, fine cheese or a clean tea towel. Squeeze very close together to extract all carrot juice. Save the carrot juice. Throw the rest away.
Rinse the mixer with water to remove all remaining roots.
Then place the carrot juice in the blender together with all other ingredients. Pulse or about 30 seconds until all ingredients have come together.
Chill and see you ready to drink
Jamaican carrot juice