Ingredient !
half cup olive oil. 1 large onion, sliced , chopped . 3 cloves garlic, pressed or finely chopped. 1 pound potatoes, peeled and sliced cut into wedges . 1 pound lamb, beef or goat meat. 2 teaspoon salt, or to taste. 1teaspoon. ginger. 1teaspoon turmeric. half teaspoon pepper
Small handful of parsley or cilantro sprigs, tied into a bouquet . Large handful of red or green olives. half or 1 whole preserved lemon, quartered. 1 half cups water . Clay or Ceramic Tagine Method
Preparation !
Pour the olive oil into the base of a tagine arrange the onion slicesacross the bottom and distribute the garlic on top. Add the potato slices (you can arrange them neatly if you like) and place the meat on top of the potatoes in the center. Sprinkle the spices as evenly as possible over the meat and potatoes. Add the parsley bouquet, olives, preserved lemon and about 1 half cups of water. Cover the tagine and place on a diffuser over medium-low to medium heat and allow the tagine to reach a simmer. This can take some time so be patient. Once a simmer is achieved, reduce the heat to the lowest temperature necessary to maintain the simmer, and cook for 3 to 4 hours, or until the meat is very tender and can be pulled apart with your fingers.
Moroccan Meat and Potato Tagine