Ingredient ! 12 ounce Corned Beef. 2 whole scallion. half onion. 4 cloves garlic. 10 sprigs thyme. one by four teaspoon black pepper. 1 teaspoon parsley. 1 teaspoon canola oil. 1 teaspoon butter. 1 float bake recipe .
Preparation ! Make the dough for the bake, then set it aside to rise. Meanwhile place a large frying pan on the stove over medium heat. Add oil and butter. When butter has melted add onion and sautee until soft, for about 3 minutes. Add garlic and thyme and cook Add corned beef and using a large spoon, break into smaller pieces. Add scallion and pepper and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. At this point the dough should be ready. Now on a floured surface, roll the dough to ½ inch thickness and cut with a 5 inch round cutter. A drinking glass will also do the trick. Place the circle of dough in you palm then take a spoonful of the cooled corned beef.Pinch the edges of the dough to form a seal around the corned beef mixture. Place on a floured surface and flatten gently with you palm. Do this slowly to ensure that the stuffing doesnt burst through the dough. When oil is hot, carefully place bake into the oil and fry until golden brown, flipping once to brown both sides.
Bake stuffed with Corned Beef