Lebanese Pound is (Booza)

Recipe Code: 857

4 cups whole milk
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 cup sugar (or taste.)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon mastic gum (ground)
2 cups heavy whipping cream
pistachios (depending on your taste)
Add milk, sugar, salt and cornstarch in a saucepan very well until there are no lumps left.
Put the pan on medium heat, keeping stirring until it begins to bubble.
Turn off the heat, cover and allow it to cool until it reaches room temperature.
Beat the whipping cream until it reaches stiff top.
Add the cornstarch mixture to the whipping cream, merging until it comes to a smooth consistency
You can add pistachios at this point or wait until serving time.
Pour into a freezer container, smooth top and freeze for 8 hours or until completely frozen
Sprinkle in ice cream bowls, sprinkle top with some more pistachios.

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